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At Centre dentaire Fancelli, our dentists use dental implants to replace a missing tooth and regain a radiant smile.

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Dental Implants, Montreal South-Shore Dentist

What is a Dental Implant?

The dental implant represents a very important option in the replacement of missing teeth, in particular avoiding the destruction of adjacent natural teeth to make a bridge or eliminating the need for a removable prosthesis in many situations.

In addition, implantology allows exceptional stabilization of existing removable dentures.

Why replace a missing tooth?

If you have a missing tooth, your surrounding teeth may start to move and cause misalignment problems.

The jawbone around them can also lose volume which can affect the shape and contours of your face, as well as your abilities to speak and chew properly.

Types of Procedures

These are the dental implant procedures performed at Centre dentaire Fancelli:

  • Preparatory surgery for implant placement
  • Implant restoration
  • Retention for dentures (removable, complete, partial, and hybrid dentures)

Welcoming New Patients

Looking for a dentist in Montreal South-Shore? Our dentists will be delighted to welcome and serve you. 

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(450) 670-0021